Centro Ocupacional, an after-school vocational education program, is under construction, looking toward a September 2015 opening, with three labs and three classrooms. They hope to serve 100 youths, from seventh to 12th grade, as well as adults who can use basic plumbing or electrical skills.
WHAT THEY NEED: The construction is being paid for by Integrated Technology Corp., an engineering firm in Phoenix, and overseen by Castaway Kids’ Special Projects team and Fabiola Grave. Leading the education effort is Brother Gerard, who has extensive teaching experience in California, Arizona and in the Amazon. Anyone with technical expertise willing to share as a guest lecturer or regular contributor is welcome. Several manufacturing plants in Guaymas and Empalme also have expressed interest in helping train potential workers in electronics, computer programming and soldering.
WHO TO CONTACT: Brother Gerard, who also helps oversee nearby Casa Franciscana, can be reached at 222-2302. He is bilingual. Website: www.casafranciscanaoutreach.org. Email: gerardjs1@gmail.com
LOCATION: Centro Ocupacional shares a wall and a mission with Club Jerry at 627 Serdan. Two blocks east of Bellas Artes, on a diagonal road that veers to the left. (Take the first left off Serdan after the OXXO.) Take that road to find a large black gate that says “Club Jerry.” The school is being constructed next door.
- Brother Gerard explains his vision to potential volunteers from San Carlos
- It remains nondescript from the street view, but that will change soon
- The doorway leads to a well that will be shared with Club Jerry on the other side of the wall
- Brother Gerard holds a photo of what the school will look like when finished